Green Mobility: A revolution in progress leaving many behind
The transition to green mobility is undeniably a positive step towards a more sustainable future. And the revolution is well underway as 25% of vehicles sold in Europe are electric (rising to around 75% in Scandinavian countries). In cities, soft mobility services or micro-mobility are flourishing on street corners: bike-sharing, scooters, freely accessible cars, or carpooling. But how many of these "eco-friendly" innovations are accessible to people with disabilities? The answer is simple: none. Yet Europe has over 5 million wheelchair users, and this number will only increase in the coming years due to the rise in chronic diseases and ageing population.
Innovation serving the environment and society
Electric vehicles and other environmentally friendly modes of transportation are gaining popularity, but to date, their design does not take into account the specific needs of people with reduced mobility, thereby adding disability to disability. Indeed, mobility is the key to access citizenship because without mobility, there is no professional or social life.
Yet the green mobility sector has the potential to innovate not only for the environment but also for social inclusion. How can we reconcile green mobility with inclusive mobility? How can we ensure that environmental innovations also serve greater equality in our societies?
NEWAV's Mission: Making tomorrow's car accessible to those who need it most
It is the least mobile people who need a car! That is why at NEWAV, we want to innovate for uncompromising accessibility in the field of green mobility. All the products and services we develop are designed for and with people with reduced mobility.
Collaboration, the key to inclusive green mobility
Raising awareness of these issues is crucial to encourage significant changes and goes far beyond the scope of our business. Therefore, we are convinced that it is necessary to bring together businesses, governments, associations, and communities in a collective intelligence approach to rethink and adapt infrastructure and technologies, and to ensure genuinely accessible green mobility for all.
If this topic interests you, whoever you are, contact us and let's work together to meet this dual environmental and social challenge!